Set the modification time on the new working file to be the date of the retrieved revision. Use this option with care; it can confuse make(1).
retrieves the latest revision on the selected branch whose state is set to state.
Preserve the modification time on the RCS file even if the RCS file changes because a lock is added or removed. This option can suppress extensive recompilation caused by a make(1) dependency of some other copy of the working file on the RCS file. Use this option with care; it can suppress recompilation even when it is needed, i.e. when the change of lock would mean a change to keyword strings in the other working file.
retrieves the latest revision on the selected branch which was checked in by the user with login name login. If the argument login is omitted, the caller's login is assumed.
generates a new revision which is the join of the revisions on joinlist. This option is largely obsoleted by rcsmerge(1) but is retained for backwards compatibility.

The joinlist is a comma-separated list of pairs of the form rev2:rev3, where rev2 and rev3 are (symbolic or numeric) revision numbers. For the initial such pair, rev1 denotes the revision selected by the above options -f, ..., -w. For all other pairs, rev1 denotes the revision generated by the previous pair. (Thus, the output of one join becomes the input to the next.)

For each pair, co joins revisions rev1 and rev3 with respect to rev2. This means that all changes that transform rev2 into rev1 are applied to a copy of rev3. This is particularly useful if rev1 and rev3 are the ends of two branches that have rev2 as a common ancestor. If rev1<rev2<rev3 on the same branch, joining generates a new revision which is like rev3, but with all changes that lead from rev1 to rev2 undone. If changes from rev2 to rev1 overlap with changes from rev2 to rev3, co reports overlaps as described in merge(1).

For the initial pair, rev2 can be omitted. The default is the common ancestor. If any of the arguments indicate branches, the latest revisions on those branches are assumed. The options -l and -u lock or unlock rev1.

Print RCS's version number.
Emulate RCS version n, where n can be 3, 4, or 5. This can be useful when interchanging RCS files with others who are running older versions of RCS. To see which version of RCS your correspondents are running, have them invoke rcs -V; this works with newer versions of RCS. If it doesn't work, have them invoke rlog on an RCS file; if none of the first few lines of output contain the string branch: it is version 3; if the dates' years have just two digits, it is version 4; otherwise, it is version 5. An RCS file generated while emulating version 3 loses its default branch. An RCS revision generated while emulating version 4 or earlier has a time stamp that is off by up to 13 hours. A revision extracted while emulating version 4 or earlier contains abbreviated dates of the form yy/mm/dd and can also contain different white space and line prefixes in the substitution for $Log$.
Use suffixes to characterize RCS files. See ci(1) for details.
specifies the date output format in keyword substitution, and specifies the default time zone for date in the -ddate option. The zone should be empty, a numeric UTC offset, or the special string LT for local time. The default is an empty zone, which uses the traditional RCS format of UTC without any time zone indication and with slashes separating the parts of the date; otherwise, times are output in ISO 8601 format with time zone indication. For example, if local time is January 11, 1990, 8pm Pacific Standard Time, eight hours west of UTC, then the time is output as follows:

The -z option does not affect dates stored in RCS files, which are always UTC.


The symbolic name used to check out the revision, if any. For example, co -rJoe generates $Name: Joe $. Plain co generates just $Name: $.
The name of the RCS file without a path.
The revision number assigned to the revision.
The full pathname of the RCS file.
The state assigned to the revision with the -s option of rcs(1) or ci(1).

The following characters in keyword values are represented by escape sequences to keep keyword strings well-formed.